5* on Google
Change Habits with Hypnosis by Isabelle Corchia (Eaux-Vives or Balexert): Recommended by 100% of BuyClubbersHypnosis can help you quit smoking, eat better, increase confidence, reduce anxiety & more. In English / French
BuyClub.ch: Hypnosis by Certified Hypnotherapist Isabelle Corchia
Valid only for people who never had hypnosis with Isabelle before

Instant vouchers: you'll receive your voucher as soon as you buy it
- Safe, effective way to change habits & behaviour
- By Isabelle Corchia: 5* on Google, recommended by 100% of Buyclubbers
- In English or French
- 2 locations: Eaux-Vives or Balexert
- Valid only for people who never had hypnosis with Isabelle
- All sessions must be done by May 30, 2025
- Choose location when booking with the therapist: Eaux-Vives (Tue-Thur) or Balexert (Mon & Fri)
- All sessions must be used by 1 person
- Online hypnosis sessions may be available on request (pending booking & therapist's availability)
- Booking required. 24h cancellation policy
- Can use max 1 voucher per person. Can buy 1 more as gift for someone else
- Hypnosis not recommended in these cases
- No cash back. Can't be used with other offers
Today's Offer
Choose after clicking "Buy":
- 1x hypnosis session: CHF
225119. Session is 1h30-2h
2 x hypnosis sessions: CHF 365 199SOLD OUT
For most people, 2 sessions are recommended. 1st session is 1h30-2h, 2nd session is 1h
The 1st session includes a pre-discussion to understand your goals and agree the best hypnosis approach.
Hypnosis Can Help You Change Habits
“Hypnosis can profoundly alter behaviour, laying the groundwork for changes in future actions”
- Psychology Today
Hypnosis is a safe & recognised therapy that helps change habits. It can help you with:
- Quitting smoking / drinking
- Eating habits / weight management
- Stress, anxiety & burnout
- Phobias & compulsive behaviours
- Emotional & relationship problems
- Improve self-confidence
- Sleeping problems
- Overcoming fears
- Concentration & exam prep
- More
You'll be conscious & alert throughout the entire session, and you'll remember what happened while you were under hypnosis.
What happens in a hypnosis session
If You Want to Quit Smoking
Isabelle's "Quit Smoking" package requires a commitment to 4 sessions. You can use today's voucher for 1 or 2 sessions, and pay Isabelle for the remaining sessions. Upfront payment for all 4 sessions is required before the smoking treatment begins.
By Certified Hypnotherapist Isabelle Corchia
Rviews for Isabelle:
Her qualifications include:
- Certified in Elmanian Hypnosis at OMNI Hypnosis Training Center
- Member of National Guild of Hypnotists
- Member of the International Board of Hypnosis
Isabelle speaks English & French and has offices in 2 locations: Eaux-Vives (at Aliotis center) & Balexert (at AGeIR center).
Who Should NOT Try Hypnosis?
Unless your Doctor says otherwise, hypnosis is not recommended for people with mental illnesses, severe depression, addiction to drugs & other substances, people experiencing suicidal thoughts, those on strong medication or those receiving psychiatric support.
Isabelle Corchia - Hypnotherapist
at Aliotis, 2nd floor
Blvd Hélvetique 30
1206 Geneva
Open hours (may change):
+ Tue-Thur 10h-18h30
at AGeIR Center
Avenue Louis-Casaï 27
1209 Geneva
Open hours (may change):
+ Mon & Fri 10h-18h30
Saturday appointments available every 2nd Saturday 10h-13h at either location (confirm when booking)
077 969 87 03