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Dental Cleaning at Névé Clinic (Lancy & Plainpalais)
With option to add Dentist check-up. Rated 5* on Google and recommended by 97% of BuyClubbers Dental Cleaning at Névé Clinic (Lancy & Plainpalais)
Instant vouchers: you'll receive your voucher as soon as you buy it
- Recommended by 97% of Buyclubbers
- 5* Google
- Option to add Dentist check-up
- In Lancy &
- Valid til
Dec 13, 2024extended til Jan 13, 2025 - Choose location after pressing Buy: Lancy or
Plainpalais. Your voucher is valid only at that location - Can use max 1 voucher per person. Can buy 1 more as gift for someone else
- Phone booking mandatory
- 24h cancellation policy
- Min age: 4
- Voucher must be used in 1 visit by 1 person
- Not valid with other offers, no cash back
- May close over Xmas period
Today's Offer
Choose option & clinic location (Lancy or Plainpalais) after clicking "Buy":
- Option 1: Dental Cleaning for CHF
- Option 2: Dental Cleaning + Dentist Checkup + Xrays for CHF
At Névé Dental Clinic in Plainpalais & Lancy
Névé Clinic has 2 state-of-the-art centers in Plainpalais & Lancy with Swiss-certified dentists and hygienists. The centers are easily accessible by TPG & are near public parking.
Languages spoken:
- English
- French
- Spanish
- German
- Romanian
- Chinese
Valid Mon-Fri
Pending dental hygienist & dentist availabilities
Névé Dental Clinic
Rond-point de Plainpalais 5
1205 Geneva
022 800 11 11 (press 1 for Plainpalais)
Dentist Hours:
+ Mon-Fri 8h-20h
Hygienist's Hours:
+ Mon 8h-17h
+ Tues 9h-18h
+ Wed 9h-18h
+ Thurs 8h-17h
+ Fri 8h-17h
Place de Pont-Rouge 5
1212 Geneva
022 800 11 11 (press 2 for Lancy)
Dentist Hours:
+ Mon-Fri 8h-20h
Hygienists Hours:
+ Mon 9h-18h
+ Tues 11h-20h
+ Wed 9h-18h
+ Thurs 9h-18h
+ Fri 8h-17h
Open days / hours may change