Purity-tested by Swiss Lab
Swiss CBD Oil by The Green Lab (Vaud) with Free Delivery. Choose 20% or 40% Formula
CBD oil is often used to improve sleep & reduce anxiety
BuyClub.ch: Swiss CBD Oil from The Green Lab (Vaud) + Free Delivery

Estimated delivery: Jan 17, 2025
- Harvard Medical School says "CBD is commonly used to address anxiety...may help with both falling asleep and staying asleep...could help lower pain and inflammation"
- Grown in Valais, processed in Geneva, registered with Swiss authorities, lab tested for purity
- Free delivery
- 1 voucher =
+ option 1: 10ml of 20% CBD oil (Night Edition MCT Coco)
+ option 2: 10 ml of 40% CBD oil (Sublime MCT Coco) - Includes free delivery in CH. Estimated delivery: Jan 17, 2025
- Can't be shipped outside of CH
- Can buy & use max 2 vouchers
- We'll share your contact details + address with The Green Lab (for delivery). They'll delete your details after delivery
- No cash back, refunds or returns
- Can't be combined with other promotions
- By buying this offer, you certify that you're over 18 years old
Lab test results for The Green Lab's CBD Oil (tested by Switzerland's CBD-Test ISO-certified lab)
Why Use CBD Oil?
Here's what Harvard University says:
"CBD is commonly used to address anxiety, and studies suggest that CBD may help with both falling asleep & staying asleep. CBD may offer an option for treating different types of chronic pain"
- Harvard Medical School
CBD (short for Cannabidiol) is derived from the hemp plant. It isn't addictive and does not lead to any high.
Today's Offer
Choose after pressing 'Buy':
Option 1: 10ml bottle of 20% CBD Oil (Night Edition MCT Coco) for CHF 109 54.5
Option 2: 10ml bottle of 40% CBD Oil (Sublime MCT Coco) for CHF 149 74.5
For both options:
- Free delivery included (Can only be shipped to CH addresses)
- The oil is virtually tasteless / odorless
- The oil is "Full spectrum" meaning it includes not just CBD, but the full spectrum of the hemp plant's ingredients. Most experts consider this as superior to just CBD
Locally Grown, Purity-Tested CBD
Not all CBD is equal, and with today's CBD you can be assured of the quality:
- Produced by Vaud-based The Green Lab company
- Grown in Valais, processed in Geneva
- Registered with the Swiss authorities
- Purity-tested by independent Swiss lab
More about The Green Lab's CBD oils
- It's recommended to start with 2 to 4 drops then increase depending on your experience
- Some experts (like these) recommend starting with 20mg CBD per day, seeing how that works, and then fine-tuning
If you never tried CBD before, we recommend researching reputable sources and consulting with a Doctor.
Should You Get the 20% of 40%?
Here's our advice:
- get the 20% if you're new to CBD and you're testing it out
- get the 40% if you're already familiar with CBD
Estimated delivery: Jan 17, 2025
We'll pass your delivery details to The Green Lab. You don't have to take any more action
The Green Lab
Avenue du Mont-Blanc 28
1196 Gland
077 506 96 86