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Gault&Millau SelectionAuberge d'Hermance: 150-. Credit Fine-dining in Geneva's beautiful countryside, recommended by 95% of BuyClubbers (and one of our personal favorite spots) L'Auberge d'Hermance: CHF 150 Credit

CHF 99
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Gault&Millau SelectionAuberge d'Hermance: 150-. Credit Fine-dining in Geneva's beautiful countryside, recommended by 95% of BuyClubbers (and one of our personal favorite spots)
Gault&Millau SelectionAuberge d'Hermance: 150-. Credit Fine-dining in Geneva's beautiful countryside, recommended by 95% of BuyClubbers (and one of our personal favorite spots)
Gault&Millau SelectionAuberge d'Hermance: 150-. Credit Fine-dining in Geneva's beautiful countryside, recommended by 95% of BuyClubbers (and one of our personal favorite spots)
Gault&Millau SelectionAuberge d'Hermance: 150-. Credit Fine-dining in Geneva's beautiful countryside, recommended by 95% of BuyClubbers (and one of our personal favorite spots)
Gault&Millau SelectionAuberge d'Hermance: 150-. Credit Fine-dining in Geneva's beautiful countryside, recommended by 95% of BuyClubbers (and one of our personal favorite spots)
Gault&Millau SelectionAuberge d'Hermance: 150-. Credit Fine-dining in Geneva's beautiful countryside, recommended by 95% of BuyClubbers (and one of our personal favorite spots)
Gault&Millau SelectionAuberge d'Hermance: 150-. Credit Fine-dining in Geneva's beautiful countryside, recommended by 95% of BuyClubbers (and one of our personal favorite spots)
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Deal Ended at 23:55 on 11/12/2024

Instant vouchers: you'll receive your voucher as soon as you buy it

  • Valid til Apr 17, 2025 excluding:
    + Dec 13 - Jan 5
    + Feb 14
    + Feb 24 - Mar 2
  • 1 voucher = CHF 150 credit for 2 people towards any food items, for eat-in only. Not valid on plat du Jour & drinks
  • Minimum drink order: CHF 10 per person
  • Valid:
    + Dinner: Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun, Mon (not valid Sat)
    + Lunch: Mon, Thu, Fri, Sat (not valid Sun)
  • Max 1 voucher per household & per table
  • Phone reservation mandatory (not online). 24h cancellation policy​
  • Max 3 BuyClub vouchers accepted per service, so you must announce when booking that you'll use a voucher
  • Must be used in one visit - no cash back

"Romantic restaurant-inn with old-fashioned charm. Top-quality dishes are perfectly cooked. Simply delicious”
- Gault&Millau

"Beautiful village restaurant with a bourgeois dining room & fireplace. The establishment is a collection of lasting culinary heritage"

- Le Temps

One of Our Personal Favourites

We love Auberge d'Hermance so we're not objective about it, but please trust us that this place is amazing! From the beautiful countryside garden outside, via the fireplace and old-world wood tables inside, to the great service and Gault&Millau-recommended dishes on your plate, you're in for a treat.

It's not cheap, but it's a great place for a special romantic evening or for any occasions that deserve a wow experience.


Today's Offer

1 voucher = CHF 150 credit for 2 people towards any food items from the a-la-carte / fixed menus (excl Menu Noël) / suggestions.

​​Valid Dinner & Lunch

  • Dinner: Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun (not valid Sat)
  • Lunch: Mon, Thu, Fri, Sat (not valid Sun)

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Service Provider

Auberge d'Hermance
Rue du Midi 12
1248 Hermance
022 751 13 68

+ Dinner: Thu, Fri, Sun, Mon, Wed
+ Lunch: Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon

Opening days / hours may change

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